This program is about support people within communities to come together and discuss the state of thir communities, identify issues they would like to change.
Communities with organised associations or groups which they do use to come together as members to discuss the well-being of thier community. We work through CBOs
We provide communities with safe spaces, facilitation and other resoruces so they can organise, meet and ask six types of questions:
Part of faciliation is to help community members synthesise, store and use the information they gather from these CCCs to keep the dialogue going and inform their collective actions.
We regulary ask the communities whether our faciliation is helping them to continue their conversations, and whether the approach we take is helfpul. We are happy when/if communities mature and are able to continue the CCCs without GF facilitation.
Every year in December, we pause and reflect on how many CCCs we facilitated, what community members said about our facilitation and what they suggested to be changed. We assess whether the suggested changes are in line with our values and our purpose. If they are, we incorporate them as we make the plans for the new year.
CCC program was designed in January 2025. We will report achievements in the coming months
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